1:1 Transformational Mindset & Energy Workshops & 1:1 Sessions

Terms And Conditions

1. Services
1.1   The client will be provided with training, coaching and/or mentoring support. This support will be provided face-to-face or via a video conferencing platform. 

1.2   The purpose of the services is to provide assistance in transforming physiological, psychological and energetic changes using modalities including but not limited to The Energy Alignment Method and Neuro-Linguistic Programming. S
ervice can include but is not limited to: brainstorming techniques, releasing of energy and identifying thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. It may involve sharing information, creating plans, educating the client, and asking and answering questions.   

2. Limitations
2.1    By undergoing the group workshop/1:1 sessions you are agreeing to take full responsibility for your mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. K
nowing, understanding, and fully appreciating all possible risks, you are voluntarily and willingly assuming responsibility for yourself whilst using the energy and mindset tools as well as any aftercare. Any issues which arise from this are not liable to the company (including any accidents and injuries or physical injury or death). 

2.2  In no event shall Energy Waves or its suppliers be liable for any damages (damages for loss of data or profit, or due to business interruption) arising out of the use or inability to use the materials provided by Energy Waves, even if Energy Waves has been notified in writing or verbally of the possibility of such damage. 

The energy and mindset tools are powerful and transformational therefore you must declare any medical history of mental health or any current mental health diagnosis or if you suspect you have any issues that may berelated to mental health. This must be declared BEFORE the start date of the workshop\session and it may result in not being able to participate in the programme. If any fees have been paid a full refund will be given only if the declaration is made before the start date of the programme. As stated in 2.1 Energy Waves is not responsbilit for your mental, emotional or physical wellbeing. 

2.4   The methods employed by Energy Waves do not guarantee results. They are guidelines that the client must follow through on in order to see any type of change. Therefore, you are to hold Energy Waves free of any liability and responsibility for adverse reactions as a result of advice given in the 1:1 sessions and in the training workshops. 

3. Materials
All materials provided as part of the group workshops/1:1 sessions are protected by applicable copyright and trademark law.

3.2  Permission is granted to download a copy of any materials for personal, non-commercial viewing only and under this license, you may not:
• modify or copy the materials. 
• Remove any copyright or other proprietary notations from the materials. 
• use the materials for any commercial purpose, or for any public display (commercial or non-commercial).
• transfer the materials or give the link to another person without prior permission. 

4. Disclaimer
3.1   Energy Waves does not warrant or make any representations concerning the accuracy, likely results, or reliability of the use of the materials on it website, provided by the company to support workshops/sessions or otherwise relating to such materials or on any sites linked to this site.

5. Links 
5.1  Any links provided to other websites to support the workshops/sessions have been reviewed therefore Energy Waves is not responsible for the contents of any such linked site and any inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by Energy Waves of the site. Use of any such linked website is at the user's own risk.

6. Accuracy of materials
6.1   Energy Waves does not warrant that any of the materials provided in the workshops/sessions are accurate, complete or current and any of the materials could include technical, written or photographic errors. 

6.2   Changes can be made to any of the materials at any time without notice however Energy Waves does not make the commitment to update
the materials.

7. Confidentiality
7.1   Anything that is said or revealed in the sessions between coach and client is privileged information and will not be disclosed to any outside party. The exception is if the client is participating in group sessions or if the information revealed includes disclosure of illegal, unethical or criminal activities.  

7.2   It is further understood and agreed that by purchasing or agreeing to a session/workshop you will be giving your informed consent, release and assumption of risk shall be binding on my heirs and assigns. 

7.3   You will have read the informed consent, release, and assumption of risk and understand the terms used in it and their legal significance.   

7.4   Informed consent is given freely and voluntarily with the understanding that the right to legal recourse against Energy Waves is knowingly given up in exchange for allowing your participation the activities included in the course and the sessions.  
8. Use with Others

8.1  By agreeing to a session/workshop you are hereby agreeing not to use any of the energy and mindset techniques with others. The exception to this is during a workshop which is under the supersvision of a qualified practioner. 

9. Between Session/Workshop Support
9.1 Support given is dependant on journey length (refer to 9.1). If a workshop spans over several days/weeks/months then additional group support will be provided i.e. in the form of a facebook group. When a series of 1:1 sessions are purchased, in between additional support will be given i.e. in the form of e-mails, whatsapp etc. Energy Waves as the right to change what platform the support is given on. Limited addional support is give for an individual session however this is asssessed on a case by case basis.

Support is provided for the duration of the journey unless otherwise stated. 

9.3 Any support after a journey of sessions/workshop has ended will be charged at the current full price of an individual session at the time of booking and payment must be made at least 48 hours before the session. Any amendments or cancellations must be made within 48 hours otherwise a cancellation fee of the full session price will be charged. Exceptions may apply on both sides i.e. unforeseen circumstances which must be agreed upon by both parties.

9.4 When applicalbe (refer to 9.1), support will be provided Monday to Friday 9.00 am-17.00 (UK time) and an answer will be given within 6 hours. Outside of these times within 24 hours. Saturday and Sunday within 48 hours. These are only guidelines, Energy Waves is committed to your support so will do their best to respond as quickly as possible. Exceptions may apply which will be communicated in writing at least 48 hours before they apply.

10. Committment

10.1 By partaking in a session/workshop you are commtting to taking appropriate and necessary action to achieve results and agree to be fully present for the coaching, mentoring and training experience.

10.2 You are agreeing to take full responsibility for your outcomes and results and commiting to maintaining open and honest dialogue throughout as well as keeping an open mind, a readiness to take action and explore mindset blocks, limiting beliefs, habits, patterns and negative emotions.

10.3 Because progress and change happen at rates that are unique to every individual, there is no guarantee you will get the desired results by the end of the sesson/journey. Therefore you are to understand:

• Energy waves is committed to working with you at an appropriate pace during the sessons/workshop and support.
• You will be empowered to use the techniques for yourself inbetween sessions/after the workshop. 
• You may be required to purchase addtional sessions.

• If on a journey, you are committed to book all sessions in the journey before the end date. Any remaining sessions will be lost unless due to unforeseen circumstances which must be agreed upon by both parties.

10.4 You are responsilble for making your own decisions before acting on any information or advice given within the workshop/sessions or in between session support.

10.5 You are expected to be fully present during the workshop\session and to not hold back with sharing information that will help to identify and transform thoughts, beliefs, emotions, which will include asking and answering questions and information coming from your intuition. 

11. Fees
11.1 Fees are as stated at time of purchase. 

11.2 Payment must be made at least 48 hours before the session/workshop start date. 

11.3 Full payment is required up front for all sessions/workshop days at least 48 hours the first session/workshop when a journey is purchased i.e. a series of sessions/a workshop that spans over several days, weeks, months. 

12. Cancellation 
12.1 All sessions/workshops must be booked in advance, any amendments or cancellations must be carried out within 48 hours of the session/workshop start date. Failure to do this will result in a cancellation fee of the full session price or in the case of pre-payment the loss of the session/workshop time. Exceptions may apply on both sides i.e. unforeseen circumstances which must be agreed upon by both parties. A copy of the Cancellation Policy is available on request. 

12.2 Any remaining sessions/workshops not taken within the journey duration will be lost. Exceptions may apply i.e. unforeseen circumstances which must be agreed upon by both parties. 

13. Refunds
13.1   Energy Waves aims to provide the highest quality of service including professionalism, transparency, honesty, care, integrity, confidentiality and competence. We want you to be satisfied with your purchase of our products.

13.2   If you have any questions or problems, or want a copy of our complaints procedure, please let us know by contacting info@energywaves.co.uk
13.3   In the event that you decide your purchase was not the right decision, contact info@energywaves.co.uk and we will review it and attempt to help correct the issue. If we cannot help solve the issue, we’ll issue you a prompt FULL refund.

13.4   To be eligible for a refund, you must submit your request within 21 days following your purchase. After you submit your materials, all refunds are discretionary. If you have recieved/downloaded any supporting materials and asked for a refund we reserve the right to deny your refund request. Sessions already carried out will be non-refundable. Any sessions not taken at the time the refund is requested will be considered if made within the 21 days of the purchase date.  

13.5   No refunds will be provided more than 21 days following the date of purchase. If in the case of a payment plan and you do not request a refund by the end of the 21st day, you are required to complete the remaining payments of your payment plan. All payments must be made on a timely basis.

13.6   Your refund can be denied if it is clear that you have not implemented what has been asked of you (refer to 10), in this case we will help and support you to get you results.

Email: rebecca@energywaves.co.uk

Phone: +(0)7795 291021