My Programs
“Love Yourself As Much As You Want To Be Loved”

​Whether you're looking for that true love connection

or just aiming to improve your relationships with family, colleagues, or friends, it all begins with YOU.

Here's the thing: We actually show people how to treat us. 

You know those beliefs we hold about ourselves?

Well, they end up showing up in how others behave around us and the situations we find ourselves in..

..until we decide to change. 

Back when I used to think life was something that just happened to me,

I'd find myself stuck in the victim role and attracting all sorts of unnecessary drama.

However, everything changed when I got that life's an 'inside job'.

A reflection of my inner state.

My energy.

And once I changed that, everything changed.

How did I do that?

I learnt to LOVE ME. 

4 Ways You Can Work With Me
4 Ways You Can Work With Me

Attracting Love

Discover the Solution To Attracting The Most Fulfilling and Enriching Love Relationship Of Your Life

Tired of trawling through dating site profiles, only to have endless disappointment, having invested lots of time and energy already?

Here begins your journey to the most fulfilling and enriching love you ever dreamed possible. 

Caution: This is NOT another relationship program that promises men will be falling at your feet if you follow "the rules"

Attracting Love is a 12 Week Programme guiding you home to LOVING YOU because as you open your heart and step into a more expanded version of you, you raise your energetic vibration and become a powerful magnet to attract divine love. 

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Loving YOU

Embracing & Celebrate Your Unique and Beautiful Self

Did you know we teach people how we want to be treated? 

They're reading what's in our energy. Our thoughts, beliefs and emotions are programmed in our Aura, usually before we are 7. 

The good news is, this can change when you learn to love yourself, learn how to process emotions, heal the past and transform beliefs. You will open your heart to experience self-love and have drama-free, loving relationships with others too. 

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Transform Your Relationships 

Let go of the drama and experience harmonious relationships with everyone.    

Imagine living a life without having to take on other people’s drama.

Where you feel calmer, less stressed, and more peaceful.

And all of your relationships are respectful and harmonious. 

It is possible for you if....

You want to resolve relationship issues with a person you love and don't know how. 

You want to open up your heart space and connect to your divine feminine to have more loving relationships with everyone in your life.
You want to know how to set healthy boundaries and stop people taking advantage of your generosity. 

You want to feel happier more of the time and let go of feelings of stress or low moods that have been taking over your life.   

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Your Energy MOT
Unlock your abundance of potential energy

Imagine having an abundance of energy to live a happier and more productive life. 

This is what Your Energy MOT is all about! Give yourself the gift of an open and expanded energy field with this simple technique that will help you channel your energy from managing stress to overflowing joy! 

With greater levels of motivation to do the things you love, you can kick to the curb those vitality sapping midday slumps, stress knots and even burn-out once and for all!

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The E-Motions
Helping children process emotions in a healthy way

With the increasing emphasis on mental health and emotional wellbeing in schools, my books, games and activity sheets offer valuable resources to support children's emotional development within the PHSE Curriculum. 

Each story is accompanied with teacher notes and engaging activities, providing guidance on how the books can be integrated into your curriculum to promote discussions and activities around emotional literacy.

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Here's what some of my past clients are saying

"I healed my relationships with both of my parents"  

As humans, especially us women,  we spend our lives making assumptions. 

I badly need some help with deeply seated generational patterns passed down from my mother and father that made receiving love difficult. 

Rebecca uses NLP and EAM techniques that brought these issues to light and enabled me to transform what had been a huge block for me. As a family, we will all benefit from having released this negative energy. 

Thank you so much, Rebecca

Brigitte Hackney
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"A deeply healing & uplifting experience, which changed how I view myself, my family & friends, forever"

As I worked on some of my inner child ‘stuff’, Rebecca was kind, sensitive and warm and guided me to get to the root of where my ‘stuff’ was coming from and held the space for me to release it. 

 She was calm and supportive, which enabled me to release with more ease and I felt safe to let go of some very old family patterns which had been holding me back.

 Rebecca surprised me with her intuitive insights, her ability to see what I needed to work on and which questions to ask me to get me to explore certain areas more deeply than others. To work with Rebecca is very empowering, and has forever changed how I view myself in my family and with friends.

 All in all, this was a deeply healing and uplifting experience. 

Gabby Briscoe
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"I'm growing in confidence & energy. I'm truer to myself as I am reclaming my power as a women" 

 Reframing my thought processes helped me to see things differently and to move forward in the way I felt about my past.
 This resulted in the start of a healing process that had been a long time coming and has really helped me move forward.

 I healed my relationship with my mother and have started to be much truer to myself, reclaim my power as a woman and am growing in confidence and energy as a result. 

 I couldn’t have done this without Rebecca’s help - she’s an extraordinary person who tells it like it is, helps guide you to a better place, finding a more balanced way to engage with life and build confidence and peace within. 

Ruth Drury
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Soul Sister Energy Workshops 
A loving community & safe space of like-minded women, where you’ll feel you belong.    

Imagine feeling like you’ve ‘come home’ and you completely belong.

A place you know in your heart feels right, that feeds your soul. It’s what you’ve been yearning for… the missing piece of the jigsaw. 

A place where you’re accepted for who you are. Loved unconditionally, where you are free to be you.
Feeling comfortable sharing stories, laughing, and even crying, there’s no judgement here.

​You are safe you are held in a space of heartfelt love. 

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Phone: +(0)7795 291021

© Energy Waves 2021