I first discovered the Law of Attraction when watching the film ‘The Secret’ and got that lightbulb moment of how powerful we really are.
The Secret says there are three simple steps to manifesting your desires, these are:
• Step 1 - You Ask
• Step 2 - You Believe
• Step 3 - You Receive
I hadn’t realised, but we are manifesting all the time, and I had already managed to manifest some great desires without my awareness.
One example was when I was a child, I watched the ‘Love Boat’ on TV, and I remember wanting to work on it.
Sure enough, at the age of 24, I got a job on the Pacific Princess, the original love boat, the same ship in the series.
This has also successfully brought me dream jobs just at the right time, homes, cars and my loving relationship with my husband, so I know it works.
However, it hasn’t worked all of the time and in all areas of my life.
So, why is this?
Why does it work some of the time and not others?
If this is your experience, here are some reasons it may not be working for you.
Are you asking?
You don’t have to ask for something in detail. Just a simple, clear intention is enough.
For example, when I set the intention to work on the Love Boat, I didn’t say what I wanted to do, where I wanted to go or when it was going to happen, and I was happily surprised when it unfolded the way it did.
Do you believe you can have it?
A wise teacher once told me, ‘if you haven’t got what you want, then there’s some conflict between your conscious and subconscious mind’.
What does that mean exactly?
It means that there must be beliefs lurking under the surface that you’re probably unaware of, making you out of alignment with what you desire.
For example, I want to have financial freedom.
This is an area that many of us want and haven’t got yet.
This is because most of us learnt as children that we can’t have everything we want.
We heard ‘Money doesn’t grow on trees', ‘We can’t afford it’, or ‘If you’re good, Father Christmas may bring it.’
This fills us with lack and limitations about money.
There isn’t enough, so we have to spend carefully, or we have to be good. Or it’s greedy to have more than our fair share, and the list goes on.
Whatever it is you desire, ask yourself these questions:
o What beliefs do I have about [my desire]?
o What do I find myself worrying or complaining about?
o What am I saying about the situation?
o Am I saying, ‘when I have X, I will do/feel …..’ even though you probably can do or feel that way right now.
o In the case of money, how do I feel when I’m paying bills?
o Or when something good does happen towards what I want, am I excited or filled with fear?
Your thoughts impact your feelings, and it is the way you feel that manifests your desires.
The more aware you are of your thoughts, the more you can change them and feel better.
‘Your thoughts become things; choose the good ones, ’ Mike Dooley.
The other day I caught myself saying, ‘this isn’t working and ‘why is this taking so long’.
And as the universe always says YES, I attracted more of the same.
More evidence it isn’t working, and therefore it takes even longer.
‘When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change’ Wayne Dyer.
Are you open to receiving what you asked for in any form?
Very often, we have resistance to receiving, especially if we're not good at receiving.
How do you respond when someone gives you a gift? Even a cup of coffee?
Do you receive it graciously saying thank you?
Or do you say, ‘you shouldn’t have done that’ or ‘Ok, I will buy it next time’ or ‘no, it’s ok, I’ll get my own’
Or sometimes, we fail to recognise things are working out for us because what comes doesn’t look exactly as we imagined or isn’t in its complete form, so we reject it.
Here are some of the common mistake people make when applying the Law of Attraction:
Visualising what you want is a great way to get into the feeling when you first set the intention, and I recommend this as the more intense the feelings of joy you can feel, the better.
However, visualising it every month or every day can become a constant reminder that you don’t have it yet.
It’s like saying to the Universe, ‘I don’t trust you’ve got this, so I will keep visualising until it comes’.
If you do this to get into the ‘feeling’, then that’s ok but keep your mind out of it!
It’s the same with vision boards which you may have pinned on your wall.
Notice how you feel when you look at them.
Do they fill you with excitement or remind you it’s not here yet?
Also, how specific have you been with your vision board?
Will you reject receiving what comes if it doesn’t look like what you have on there?
Are you, therefore (because it’s on your board) closing yourself off to other opportunities?
Many years ago, I did a vision board for my dream wedding. I hadn’t even met anyone to marry but put in lots of detail about what the wedding would be like, then forgot about it.
Years later, I found the vision board when I was planning our wedding.
It had photos of a tepee wedding, which amazed me as we’d seriously considered this before deciding it was too complicated, and we ended up with a perfect venue.
However, if this vision board had been on my wall, I may have convinced myself that it must be right rather than trusting what I felt, and I may have gone down this complicated path instead.
Are you clear on the essence of what you want?
Not the detail but what you would love to have and how it will feel when you have it.
With so many options, sometimes we can become wishy-washy in our asking or choose something that feels safe.
What is it you would love and ask for that?
And let go of the details as this can create limitations.
ask for that?
When we get specific about the details, we limit what may come.
As I mentioned, you intend with your mind, which is limited to what you’ve experienced or know already.
Think about some of the great inventors; they had to go beyond the mind, as what they created didn’t exist in any form before they brought it into reality.
So get in touch with the essence of what it is you want.
What’s the purpose, the bigger picture?
How do you want to feel when you have it and feel that way now?
Set the intention and add ‘this or something better’ at the end.
Be open to it being different from what you asked for.
Say YES to what comes.
I remember setting an intention to be a Business Manager for a chain of hotels or cruise ships.
A job came along writing user manuals for a contracting training firm, and it felt right, so I took it.
Six months later, I got sent to Le Meridien Hotels & Resorts to implement some systems, and shortly after that; I was asked to join them as their Business Manager.
We don’t always see the miracles unfolding before us.
Saying YES to that job brought me exactly what I’d asked for, even though I couldn’t have foreseen that at the time.
Often people forget this step, which hasn’t been made clear in The Secret.
Now sometimes what you’re asking for takes no action or minimal action. It just takes trust.
However, at other times you may get a strong pull or inspiration to go and do something or contact somebody.
This is the action you’re to take.
Inspired action, not pushing to make things happen.
However, most people push for things to happen, taking action out of fear.
For a long time, when setting up my business, I got stuck in this loop of taking action out of fear.
I feared I wasn’t doing enough, so I’d push myself to do things and then wonder why it wasn’t working.
Remember, all of this carries energy.
And ‘like attracts like.’
So if I am sending fear out there, I am generating more fear.
If I’m wondering why it’s not working, I get more evidence it’s not working.
So act on the energy of joy and let go of any need for an outcome.
Take action because it feels good.
Not out of ‘need’, ‘must’, or ‘should.’
Some questions to ask yourself are:
o Am I taking this action because it feels good?
o Does this action feel joyful to me?
o Am I taking this action from pressure or out of need?
o Am I putting pressure on myself?
o Am I taking action to get an outcome, gain something, or get external validation?
o Am I taking action because I think I ‘should’ be doing something?
Many teachers say to get detailed when setting your intentions, say when you want it by, how much you want, i.e. when asking for money and get specific on every detail.
However, in a universe of infinite possibilities, even beyond what the mind can compute, all of this is setting limitations.
You can only visualise what your mind already knows or has seen, heard, or experienced.
You can only receive what you believe you can have.
And very often, this can happen:
When something doesn’t come in the timeframe we specify, this can leave us feeling despondent, disheartened, frustrated, and believing we failed.
What we’re asking for could be right on the cusp; however, we reject it with negative energy because it didn’t come in our timeframe.
When we set an amount, we limit ourselves to what we can receive.
For example, if we say we want to manifest £2000, we may be saying this amount because this feels doable.
Some teachers then say to multiply this several times; however, when we do this, the mind starts rejecting it as impossible.
You may not even be aware of this resistance, but you’ll be aware when it doesn’t come, leaving you feeling disheartened.
If we let go of an amount and manifest unlimited financial abundance, this is open, it’s free, and the mind won’t get involved.
Abundance is a feeling that we can tap into at any time.
We can start to notice abundance all around us.
How abundant the universe we live in is.
We can’t even begin to count the grains of sand on a beach or the blades of grass on our lawn. Or know how many species of flowers or trees there are; we live surrounded by abundance.
When you can tap into this, then watch the magic happen.
It’s your energy that will manifest your desires, not your thoughts.
When I first learnt about The Secret, I became obsessed with positive thinking and would say positive affirmations as often as possible.
Although this helped me to feel better,r it wasn’t addressing the beliefs I’d stored in my subconscious that was blocking my desires from coming.
If I felt any tears or anger, I would mask it with positive thinking, shoving the feelings back down.
However, this doesn’t work.
Feelings are energy and have to go somewhere.
So by ignoring them, you’re carrying them around with you instead of letting them go.
The key is AWARENESS.
Be aware of what thoughts and feelings are coming to the surface and let them go.
In my work with clients, I use powerful processes to get clear on what limiting beliefs are stopping them from manifesting their desires, and we release them.
When you’re clear about what's in your way, you become…
• Lighter
• More Vibrant
• Magnetic
To help me to remember all of the steps, I came up with this:
STEP 1 - KNOW what you want
STEP 2 - LET GO of what's in the way
STEP 3 - FLOW with joy
STEP 4 - GO and take aligned action
KNOW what you want. Set a clear intention, and be open to having that or something better.
LET GO of what’s in the way. Any thoughts, beliefs, habits, negative emotions etc. Let go of needing it in a specific timeframe or having a set amount. Be aware of what’s coming up for you that may be getting in the way, and let it go. Let go of the outcome. TRUST that it will come.
FLOW with joy. Flow is where it feels easy and enjoyable. LET GO when it doesn’t feel like this, as this isn’t in alignment with what you want. Remember, our feelings are much more powerful than our thoughts.
GO and take aligned action. The very act of getting started opens you up to new opportunities; the right people will just come along, and you’ll hear something somebody says, get an email or notice a social media ad just at the right time. Keep taking action in the right direction, no matter how small the steps are.
Keep your focus on what’s working.
On the flowers, not the weeds.
Feel the joy.
Trust the process.
And let miracles happen.
Love always
Rebecca x
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