
This page is my gift to you, with lots of FREE STUFF to choose from. 

Perhaps you're interested in learning about your energy

Or you want to change your relationship with your partner, a member of your family,  a boss or a work colleague

Maybe you're single and looking for love. 

Then I have something for you.  Scroll down and take your pick.

There's a FREE energy guide, 16 spiritual & energy principles, powerful meditations, dating tips and much, much more. Just simply click on the button and download it from there. 

It's my pleasure to share this page with you and be sure to check out my 
Blog page too. 

Much love

Rebecca x

          “Change Your Energy, Change Your Life”
“Change Your Energy, Change Your Life”

Awaken Your Energy:
A Guide to Unlocking Your Inner Potential
Change your energy, change your life

Most people don't realise how powerful their energy is.

You are a powerful manifester, and your energy impacts your everyday life.

When your energy is closed down and contracted, you'll feel low, have more negative thoughts, and be more impacted by other people's negative energy. 

However, you'll be filled with joy and happiness when your energy is expanded. Life will feel easy and in flow, and no matter how negative someone seems (although you probably won't notice or even attract it), it won't bother you in the slightest. 

So whether you've been interested in learning about energy for some time or are entirely new to this, it's my pleasure to share this Energy Guide with you.

Either way, I'm sure you'll find it helpful. 

In this guide, you'll learn about the 3 Energy States and the different components of your energy system. ​

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Shine Your Light:
A Meditation to Expand Your Aura & Live Your Best Life
Protect yourself from the negativity of others

Your aura is the energy field around your physical body.

As it's energy, it's constantly expanding and contracting. We know this because when we feel fearful, we feel closed in, and others can take our energy; however, when we're in love, we feel expanded, like nothing can touch us.

We expand and contract our energy subconsciously; however, in this powerful guided meditation, you can consciously expand your aura so you won't take on other people's negative energy. 

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Awaken Your Spirit:
A Meditation for Opening Your Chakras and Funnels & Connecting with the Universe

Open your energy to live a fulfilled life

Your chakras are spinning wheels that flow energy around the different layers of your aura. And the more in flow your chakras are, the more energy you'll feel. 

You also have two funnels, one from the Sky and one into Mother Earth. The more expanded the funnels are, the more connected to your intuition and grounded you are. 

It also expands your capacity to flow more energy around your Chakras into the layers of your Aura, meaning you will have more energy.
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The Homecoming Journey 
Returning to Love, Joy, and Inner Peace
Unveil your authentic self and shine from within.

Imagine feeling like you’ve ‘come home’ 

A place you know in your heart feels right, that feeds your soul. 

It’s what you’ve been yearning for… the missing piece of the jigsaw. 

A place where you accept yourself for who you are.

Loving yourself unconditionally, where you are free to be you. 

No more pretending, no more drama. No more people pleasing, saying yes when you really meant no.

Just oodles of self confidence, and love. Having time back for you to do the things you love to do. The things that bring you joy. Does this sound good? 

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The Path to Enlightenment:
A Guide to Understanding the 16 Spiritual & Energy Principles

Embrace your spirit and be who you came here to be

I've always sensed there's so much more to life than what we can physically see with the naked eye. A power that is so much greater than us, an energy that we can tap into at any time.

These 16 principles are spiritual and energetic truths, to act as a guide to living your life with love, peace and harmony. To live a life you love. 

I've gathered these together from my knowledge of energy and from what I've learnt on my own spiritual path.

However, please know these are not some new age mysterious concepts. These have been around for centruries, backed up by science, from the work of Einstein and from research carried out in the field of Quantum Physics. 

Following these principles will bring you back to the truth of who you really are which is pure love. 
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Six Simple Steps to Finding Love:
A Guide to Dating Success

Embrace your inner power while enjoying the dating journey 

Dating is supposed to be fun and enjoyable.

However, at times it can feel very up and down.  Will they call? Why haven't they?

What did I say or do to put them off?

Very often, we give our power away in the hope they will want to see us again. But this is the wrong way round. 

When you love yourself you know that you deserve to be treated well and they are lucky to have another date with you.

Following my 6 tips for successful dating puts you in the driving seat of your dating journey.

Meaning you get to enjoy it, you get to stand in your own power and watch the journey unfold in the most magical way. 

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Uncover Your Love Role:
A Journey to Self-Discovery in Love

Discover your dating diva & how you might be repelling the love of your life

Have you shown up as the Lost Soul or the Seductress in past relationships?

Or perhaps you've unknowingly been playing the Warrior Woman or Powerless Princess? 

Maybe you've found true love and have already stepped into the Divine Feminine.

We play roles to get our needs met, and very often, we're not conscious we play them. 

You see, as children we weren't taught how to directly ask for what we wanted as when we did, very often it was met with a NO.

So we had to learn other ways, and this is what we're doing when we play out roles in our relationships.

If you want to attract divine love,

It's important to understand the five love roles and how you've been playing them. 

DISCOVER YOUR LOVE ROLE and how you may unknowingly be sabotaging your chance for love.
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The Metaphorical Mirror Method:
A Guide to Reflection & Healing in Relationships

A powerful technique to empower all of your relationships

Our relationships are all energy connections. We're always picking up and feeling each other's energy.

And what we experience in our relationships is a direct reflection of what's going on in our energy. 

However, most of us have learnt to blame or moan about what someone did 'to us', giving our power away. But the truth is no one can do anything to us. It's how we react that causes our suffering, and we do have control over that.

Picking up the Metaphorical Mirror gives you your power back. It's a simple to use yet powerful 4-step process, which means you get to control your reaction instead of reacting from old past conditioning.

It allows you to reflect and heal the patterns and behaviours that no longer serve you or your relationships.

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Uncover Your Drama Role:
A Guide to Understanding Yourself

The powerful way to step out of drama and life a life of peace

Imagine having harmonious relationships with everyone in your life. Is that even possible? 

We learned as a child that the only way to get attention, to get our needs met was to play a role, causing drama in our relationships with others.

While in the drama we can quickly switch from one roel to another as it's all about defending and protecting ourselves, blaming others, and denying responsibility for anything.

Download the FREE guide to discover your Drama role, how you play it and claim back your power today. 

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3 Ways You Can Work With Me

Attracting Love

become an energetic magnet to attract love

Do you ever feel life's passing you by? 

You've been focusing on other priorities and now find you want to share life with someone special.

Attracting Love will guide you to understand why you meet the men you do.

You'll understand that when you clear your past you'll attract a different kind of love. 

A love you desire and deserve. 

In this journey you'll transform, habits patterns and beliefs that have been in your way to attracting true love.

Using powerful energy clearing techniques, and mind transforming tools, you'll become a powerful magnet to attract love. 

You'll love to date, seeing it as a journey of discovery, learning to surrender and enjoy the flow. 

You'll connect back to your heart and embrace your divine feminine making you an irristitable magnet to attracting what you want. 

Learn More
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Loving YOU

embracing your unique & beautiful self

Love is your natural state of being.

But we weren’t taught this growing up. 

Starting in childhood, we quickly learned how to gain approval, and seek validation and that we were not enough or were too much, so we adjusted our behaviour accordingly. 

And we bought into the biggest lie of all. That “you can’t have it all” 

The truth is "you can have it all" 

In this program, you'll learn powerful techniques to let go of old stories, limiting beliefs and negative emotions that have been keeping you stuck. 

You'll be lovingly guided to connect with your true source qualities of intuition, compassion, wisdom, acceptance, self-reflection, heart-centredness, surrender and forgiveness. 

Loving YOU allows you to step into a new version of you.

Loving YOU will bring you back home to your authentic higher self.

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1:1 Sessions

Transform Your Energy & Mindset Without Having to Revist a Painful Past

Imagine being able to transform any challenging relationship in your life. 

It's a well-known fact that relationships can cause vast amounts of stress, eventually leading to ill health. 

Whether it's relationships at home, at  work or family, you can transform them, so you're no longer caught up in upset and drama. 

And you don't have to work with the other person or dig up a painful past. 

Why? Because relationships are just energy. 

And when you work with your energy, you'll get in touch with why you have the relationships you do. 

You see, subconsciously, we teach people how to treat us. Most of which has been programmed from when we were a small child, and then we continue to play out these roles attracting people with whom we can play them. 

And when you transform your relationship with YOU, everything changes. Like Magic!

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Connect with me

Email: rebecca@energywaves.co.uk

Phone: +(0)7795 291021
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© Energy Waves 2021

Connect with me
Email: rebecca@energywaves.co.uk

Phone: +(0)7795 291021

© Energy Waves 2021