Are you Ready To Connect to the Divine Love you Really Are?
YES, I'm Ready to Connect
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Are you Ready To Connect to the Divine Love you Really Are?
YES, I'm Ready to Connect
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You’re a successful woman.

An achiever. 

You’ve earned yourself a great career, have a great lifestyle, independence and a lot of freedom that you love.

There’s just one thing, and you can’t quite put your finger on what it is.

You feel empty inside

Like there’s a disconnect; something’s missing. 

You feel flat

Not good enough 

It’s like you’re going through the motions and have this underlying niggle that there must be more to life than this, that there’s something wrong with you. 

You can't understand why you can’t feel good more of the time, so you find ways to distract yourself.

You’ve filled your time with lots of plans, constantly busy, yet this doesn’t shift it. 

You’ve watched box set after box set on TV or constantly have the radio on in the hope it will take the feeling away.

Being in silence is an absolute no, no. 

You enjoy going to bars, drinking acts as the release you’ve been looking for,  only to feel worse the next day when that niggling feeling returns.

You live for your next holiday, counting the days to when you can next escape, only for the feeling to return once you get back. 

You’re confused because you know you ‘should’ be happy. After all, you have a great life, right? 

You feel conflicted because if you’re really honest with yourself, you know deep down there’s a part of you yearning to be acknowledged, yet you’re too scared of going there for fear of what you might find. 

The biggest fear you have is living the rest of your life like this and not finding out the truth of who you really are.

That you’re pure divine love.

And that you deserve to have the most fulfilling and enriching life possible. 


Discover the Solution To Living Your Most Fulfilling and Enriching Life Possible

It Starts with Loving YOU

Loving you doesn’t mean having to gain acceptance from others. 

What other people think of you is irrelevant anyway as they see you through their own ‘map of the world’ by how much they love themselves. 

What you learnt about not being good enough were all lies that you incorrectly programmed when you were a small child, which have been playing out in your life ever since.

The good news is you can unprogramme all of this and come back to love. 

Love is your natural state of being

But we weren’t taught this growing up. 

Starting in childhood, we learned very quickly how to gain approval, to seek validation and bask in the warm glow of the attention of others.

We learned that we’re not enough or that we’re too much, so we adjusted our behaviour accordingly.

And we bought into the biggest lie of all.  That “you can’t have it all” priming us for sacrifice, limitation and lowering of expectations.

Sound familiar?

This is the programming we bring into all areas of our life. 

And it’s the reason why you feel so conflicted. 

Your soul is yearning to be seen for the truth it really is, unconditional, abundant love, yet you believe you are your identity, your thoughts, beliefs and emotions. 

I don’t believe in coincidence. 

You’re at a stage in your life where you’ve been thinking, ‘enough is enough!’ ‘There has to be more to life than this, and I’m ready to find out what it is’. 

You're done with living an unfulfilling, low vibrational life. 

Done with feeling sorry for yourself, moulding yourself to ‘fit in’ or doing so much for others, you're left exhausted.

Done with playing into the lies that you're not good enough.

You deserve to be happy!

Love is your natural state of being and

You absolutely can have it all!  

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Book a FREE 30 Minute call for us to
have a chat about what you need

Hi, I'm Rebecca Bishop

Relationship Transformation Coach & Trainer,  NLP Master Practitioner, Energy Alignment Mentor,  and the very proud creator of the Loving YOU program, lovingly guiding women back to the truth of who they really are, pure divine love. 

For the past 15 plus years I've been helping women on their path of growth and transformation to embrace their divine feminine, releasing all that has been blocking them from true love and happiness.  

You’ll be guided on this compassionate and courageous journey of self-love to free yourself from the walls of protection you’ve built around you,  to open your heart once more and magnetise next level loving and healthy relationships.

Why do I do this work? 

Because I was right there, where you are now, I understand how it feels and I also know that there’s another way to live, and love.

Successful in my career and travelling the world on cruise ships, I was living my best life. As I continued to climb up the corporate ladder, my adventures continued living near London and Paris, Australia then Seattle.

Yet, even with all of this adventure I wasn’t happy. Deep down, I felt flat.

I was constantly searching for something to fill the emptiness I felt inside and would often wonder, ‘what’s wrong with me?’  ‘Why can’t I be happy?’

What I didn’t realise was that happiness comes from within.

Nothing outside of you will make you happy. 

Yet we search for external things and experiences to make us happy. It's the reason why you want the holiday, the relationship, the lovely home, the nice cars. 

And sure, all of these things can bring you happiness for a while but then you’ll be searching again for the next thing, then the next thing.

Have you ever caught yourself saying ‘I’ll be happy when I get this job’ or ‘I’ll be happy when I have x amount of money in the bank’ or  ‘I’ll be happy when I’m in a relationship’. 

The truth is you won’t experience true and lasting joy, happiness, love, and peace until you love yourself.

It was only once I discovered the incredible magic of energy work and alignment, which allowed me to uncover layers of limiting beliefs, sabotaging patterns, and fears, that I was able to realise and experience this truth for myself. 

As I learnt to let go and set myself free from the years of pain and suffering I had inflicted on myself with my thoughts and emotions, I opened up my path to freedom, the gateway to my soul and opened up my heart fully to true divine love. 

As I continue on this lifelong journey, I have never felt so free and have so much love for everyone and everything. I feel expansive and see every opportunity in life as a spiritual uncovering that takes me deeper into the truth of who I am. 

And I want to help you uncover your layers too.

To reveal the true essence of who you are.

Pure divine love so your light can shine to everyone you meet and be the love you want to create in the world.

When you love yourself, you connect to your heart and soul and can be happy without needing a reason.  

You’ll no longer look for external ‘things’ to fill a void. 

You’ll feel complete; there’ll be no more searching for things outside of yourself. 

You’ll let go of the drama easily tapping into feelings of love, peace, and happiness, no matter what’s going on around you.  

You’ll feel more connected.

Not only to your soul but connected to everyone and everything.

Life will take on a deeper meaning as you'll see synchronicities and the magic of life unfold before you with ease. 

You’ll have the inner knowing you’re lovingly guided every step of the way by a higher power that loves you and always wants the best for you. 

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Book a FREE 30 Minute call for us to
have a chat about what you need

Welcome to Loving YOU

Here begins your journey to the most fulfilling and enriching love you ever dreamed possible.  

This programme is about LOVING YOU.

When you love yourself, you reconnect back to the truth of who you are.

You embrace your inner power.

As you uncover what’s been holding you back from loving you.

You open your heart and step into a more expanded version of you.

You raise your energetic vibration and become divine love. 

And as you do, you become a powerful magnet to attract the most fulfilling and enriching life you deserve.



You’ll discover the truth about energy and your innate power to expand and align to create whatever you desire. 

As you realise the truth, that you’re an energetic being living in an energetic Universe, you’ll become a conscious creator, one who is able to manifest her heart’s desires.

It all starts with connecting to your heart and awakening your energy.  

I’ll guide you through a simple 5 step technique to clear your energy blocks and release your energy flow for greater alignment. 

You’ll experience a rush of creative energy and vitality, increasing your desire to do more of what lights you up. You’ll feel a deepening connection with your inner guidance, and you’ll start trusting the intelligence of your intuition more. 

You’ll feel more peaceful, too, as your stronger positive energy flow acts as a powerful defence against the negativity of people around you. 

You’ll have a renewed resilience to gracefully navigate life's challenges and obstacles.


You’re going to fall head over heels in love with yourself as you “remember” who you really are.
What does this even mean? 

It means letting go of all the stories, all the past programmes and conditioning that has up to now controlled your relationships and your life.

As a newborn baby, you bubbled with bliss. Your natural state of being is loving, peaceful, happy and joyful.  This critical step is about bringing you back home to your authentic higher self. 

You’ll learn to recognise and release the sabotaging thoughts and behaviours that stunt your happiness and transform negative emotions back to love.  You’ll feel in control of your mind rather than at its mercy as you become a curious observer, appreciating and embracing all of yourself with compassion and self-respect.

Now’s the time to love ‘you’, to celebrate your uniqueness. Are you ready to say YES?


You’re going to fall head over heels in love with yourself as you “remember” who you really are.
What does this even mean? 

It means letting go of all the stories, all the past programmes and conditioning that has up to now controlled your relationships, and your life.

As a newborn baby, you bubbled with bliss. Your natural state of being is loving, peaceful, happy and joyful.  This critical step is about bringing you back home to your authentic higher self. 

You’ll learn to recognise and release the sabotaging thoughts and behaviours that stunt your happiness and transform negative emotions back to love.  You’ll feel in control of your mind rather than at its mercy as you become a curious observer, appreciating and embracing all of yourself with compassion and self-respect.

Now’s the time to love ‘you’, to celebrate your uniqueness. Are you ready to say YES?


Do you want to know the secret to truly loving, happy and fulfilling relationships? 

Look in the mirror.  The secret is staring right back at you. 

In this step, you’re going to discover how every one of your relationships acts as a container for your own spiritual growth and expansion. 

We’re all connected on an energetic level and we effectively ‘teach’ people how to treat us, by virtue of how we treat ourselves and our own levels of self-worth.  

You’ll clear old patterns in you that get triggered by others meaning you can effortlessly sidestep the dramas, liberate yourself from game-playing and have your needs met without being in a power struggle.  

As you reclaim self-responsibility you’ll naturally start to transform the quality of all of your relationships.  It’s like magic.


In this step, you’ll be lovingly guided to connect with your true source qualities of intuition, compassion, wisdom, acceptance, self-reflection, heart-centredness, surrender and forgiveness. 

Through the transformational healing power of forgiveness, you’re going to forgive your past, whether that’s relationships with your parents, siblings, exes and even yourself.

Embracing the power of forgiveness will set you free from the chains that have been holding you back until now.

When we don’t forgive our past, we become a victim of our own life. We close ourselves off from fully loving ourselves and others and from fully embracing the fulfilling life we deserve. 

Your past does not equal your future; you have the choice to embrace the rest of your life with freedom and love.


In this step, you’ll be lovingly guided to connect with your true source qualities of intuition, compassion, wisdom, acceptance, self-reflection, heart-centredness, surrender and forgiveness. 

Through the transformational healing power of forgiveness, you’re going to forgive your past, whether that’s relationships with your parents, siblings, exes and even yourself.

Embracing the power of forgiveness will set you free from the chains that have been holding you back until now.

When we don’t forgive our past, we become a victim of our own life. We close ourselves off from fully loving ourselves and others and from fully embracing the fulfilling life we deserve. 

Your past does not equal your future; you have the choice to embrace the rest of your life with freedom and love.


This process is going to help you embrace your divine feminine energy, which is loving and expansive.

As you release the stored energies of fear, guilt and sadness, you’ll come back to an inner place of love, opening up your feminine energies to be in the flow with the perfect unfolding of life.

You’ll understand energy flow at a deeper level, embracing the dance of yin & yang.

You’ll trust yourself, your intuition, trusting you’re divinely guided every step of the way as you allow and surrender to the magic and beauty of life. 

By this point in the process, you’ll know that life’s unfolding in the perfect way for you.

Everything that happens is for your highest good and spiritual growth, bringing you back to pure, divine love. 

You’ll feel lighter, free from having to control outcomes.

You’ll embrace life with an abundance of self-love, honouring what’s right for you, no longer coming from a place of fear, lack or not good enough and no more settling for less than what you desire and deserve.

Life will become easier, knowing it’s a choice.

Choosing love over fear. 

And best of all...

...You’ll bring everything you’ve learnt from Loving YOU to continue to navigate the energy of your life.

Continuing on your spiritual journey of growth and expansion.

Allowing you to be the divine love you came here to be. 

Here's what some of my past clients are saying

"I healed my relationships with both of my parents"  

As humans, especially us women,  we spend our lives making assumptions. 

I badly need some help with deeply seated generational patterns passed down from my mother and father that made receiving love difficult. 

Rebecca uses NLP and EAM techniques that brought these issues to light and enabled me to transform what had been a huge block for me. As a family, we will all benefit from having released this negative energy. 

Thank you so much, Rebecca

Brigitte Hackney
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"A deeply healing & uplifting experience, which changed how I view myself, my family & friends, forever"

As I worked on some of my inner child ‘stuff’, Rebecca was kind, sensitive and warm and guided me to get to the root of where my ‘stuff’ was coming from and held the space for me to release it. 

 She was calm and supportive, which enabled me to release with more ease and I felt safe to let go of some very old family patterns which had been holding me back.

 Rebecca surprised me with her intuitive insights, her ability to see what I needed to work on and which questions to ask me to get me to explore certain areas more deeply than others. To work with Rebecca is very empowering, and has forever changed how I view myself in my family and with friends.

 All in all, this was a deeply healing and uplifting experience. 

Gabby Briscoe
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"I'm growing in confidence & energy. I'm truer to myself as I am reclaming my power as a women" 

 Reframing my thought processes helped me to see things differently and to move forward in the way I felt about my past.
 This resulted in the start of a healing process that had been a long time coming and has really helped me move forward.

 I healed my relationship with my mother and have started to be much truer to myself, reclaim my power as a woman and am growing in confidence and energy as a result. 

 I couldn’t have done this without Rebecca’s help - she’s an extraordinary person who tells it like it is, helps guide you to a better place, finding a more balanced way to engage with life and build confidence and peace within. 

Ruth Drury
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Loving YOU VIP

5 private 90-minute energy transformation sessions with Rebecca to clear the blocks and align your energy

​Lifetime access to the Loving YOU Members Platform which is your love library - a wealth of supportive information and resources including: 

 - The Foundation 5 Core Steps to the Loving YOU Programme delivered as bite-sized step- by- step training videos 

  - Transformational techniques to quickly clear limiting beliefs, uplevel your energy and build your confidence in all areas of your life

 - Exercises to help you shift perception, heal your heart and expand awareness

 - Guided meditations & visualisations for raising your frequency to greater love and abundance 

 - 40 Affirmations for Loving YOU

Imagine having your very own love coach in your back pocket for those wobble moments when you might need advice, an uplifting word of encouragement or support in between calls…

Now you can! 

With this VIP package, you will have exclusive access to Rebecca via Whatsapp/ Voxer for that extra love and support (t&c’s apply)

Loving YOU Signature Programme

1 hour energy alignment session to introduce you to the 5 steps of EAM

​Lifetime access to the Loving YOU Members Platform which is your love library - a wealth of supportive information and resources including: 

 - The Foundation 5 Core Steps to the Loving YOU Programme delivered as bite-sized step- by- step training videos 

  - Transformational techniques to quickly clear limiting beliefs, uplevel your energy and build your confidence in all areas of your life

 - Exercises to help you shift perception, heal your heart and expand awareness

 - Guided meditations & visualisations for raising your frequency to greater love and abundance 

-  Weekly Group support to lovingly guide you on your journey and keep you on track. 

Addtional support is available:

- 90-minute energy transformation sessions with Rebecca to clear the blocks and align your energy are available to book at a 20% discount to the published price.  

Suitable for women who have a great life but aren't happy because something is missing 

Who aren’t loving themselves as underneath they feel they’re not good enough

Deep down in their heart, they know they’re so much more than their personality 

That something has to change, to open them up to attract divine love

Embrace the love you deserve and be lovingly guided on your path to loving YOU.

Choose your payment option and let’s open your heart to be divine love

Book a FREE 30 Minute call for us to
have a chat about what you need

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Your Investment is  

payable in 2 monthly instalments of £900
£320 discount if paid in full £1480

Your Investment is  

payable in 2 monthly instalments of £900
£320 discount if paid in full £1480

Your Investment is  

Embrace the love you deserve to have and be lovingly guided on your path to true love 

Choose your payment option and let’s heal your heart to attract divine love
Paid in Full £1420
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Payment Plan 2 x £900         
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Embrace the love you deserve to have and be lovingly guided on your path to true love 

Choose your payment option and let’s heal your heart to attract divine love
Paid in Full £1080
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I'm here to help you make the best decision for yourself on your journey to attract divine love.

​Here are some of the questions I get asked.  

1. Who is this program for?

This is for professional women who feel
a disconnect, or there's something missing in their lives. Overall they have a great life, so they think they 'should' be happy and can't understand why they're not. 

This programme is perfectly suited to you if you believe that there is a deeper meaning to life and you are ready to embrace the next step in your spiritual journey of growth and expansion. 

2. How much time will I have to commit each week?

The videos are short to give you more time to do the practical exercises to carry out the transformational work. 

On average, clients can spend between 2 to 6 hours a week. However, this depends as we are all different. Y
ou may have weeks you fly through and weeks that will take more time depending on what is coming up for you. 

It goes without saying the more you give to this, the more you'll get out of it. 
The more you use the powerful, easy-to-use techniques, the more quickly and easily you will clear negative thoughts, beliefs, and emotions as and when they appear. It is a way of life, and it doesn't take much time at all. 

3. How is it different from other programs?

Loving YOU combines 1-2-1 access to me in our transformational energy clearing sessions and as your 'back pocket love coach' plus step by step training that you can access 24/7 so you’ll get loving support and the answers you need without having to wait until we next meet. 

Unlike the other self-love programmes, Loving YOU is about self-empowerment. You already have all you need inside of you. Therefore all of Loving YOU is about uncovering your inner power, helping you clear the way and connecting you back to the divine love you already are.  

4. I'm not very good with technology. Is this an issue?

Not at all, the course has been designed on an easy to use platform, and there's even a quick tutorial to show you how to navigate it. You can watch the videos and download the practice guides onto any device, and if you have any questions, help and support will be available. 

5. What if I don't have time for it and get left behind?

The question is, how much do you want to invest in Loving YOU?  To transform a lifetime of limiting beliefs, habits, patterns, and negative emotions will take commitment from you. You will need to be willing to invest your time, energy and money to make it happen.

If you don’t think you’ll have the time to commit to this programme, then it’s not going to work for you.

I understand life can get in the way, so you have LIFETIME access to revisit any of the modules again.

However, to get the most out of the programme and have my full support, I recommend giving it your commitment for the 8 weeks we are together

6. Is there a money-back guarantee?

No.  This programme works 100% if you give it your time and commitment.  And it will only work if you do the practical exercise and follow the 5 steps in order. What you are willing to put in, you will get back tenfold.  

Committing to your self-love, growth, and expansion is one of the most spiritual, loving and nurturing gifts you can give yourself. As long as you are willing to do the work, be compassionate with yourself, ask for support and take 100% responsibility for what comes up for you, this program will deliver.   

Book a FREE 30 Minute call for us to
have a chat about what you need

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Embrace the love you deserve to have and be lovingly guided on your path to open your heart to divine love 

Choose your payment option to heal your heart 
Paid in Full £1800
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Payment Plan 2 x £900
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Embrace the love you deserve to have and be lovingly guided on your path to true love 

Choose your payment option and let’s heal your heart to attract divine love
Paid in Full £1080
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Phone: +(0)7795 291021

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