You are ready to let go of the drama in your relationships

and have great relationships with everyone  

You are ready to let go of the drama in your relationships

and have great relationships with everyone  

With a Powerful Energy & Mindset 1:1 Session

Let go of the drama and experience harmonious relationships with everyone. ​

Right now you may be....

Right now you may be....

• Suffering from low self-esteem putting others’ needs before your own. 

• Taking on other people’s negativity, leaving you feeling flat and low.

• Feeling exhausted by other people’s drama taking up your time and energy.

• Having to cut someone out of your life as you can no longer take their behaviour even though you love and will miss them 

• Holding back on telling someone what you really feel because you’re scared of confrontation or of not being liked. 

• Worrying you’re going to say or do the wrong thing so end up walking on eggshells. 


Working on your energy & mindset around your relationships, you’ll: 

Working on your energy & mindset around your relationships, you’ll: 

 Grow in self-love and become more compassionate with yourself and others. 

Watch relationships around you transform as you change your energy and see things from a different perspective. 

Experience more harmony in all of your relationships as you step out of the drama roles you’ve played in the past.

Set healthy boundaries leaving you more energised as you let go of old patterns that had unknowingly been weighing you down. 

Feel more empowered as you increase in self-awareness and put into practice these powerful, easy-to-use techniques. 

Re-connect with your heart, feeling calmer and less stressed as you quieten your chitter chatter mind. 

Feel lighter, peaceful and grounded knowing you have the power to connect to others in a loving way, you’ll sleep better too. 

Imagine living a life without having to take on other people’s drama.

Where you feel calmer, less stressed, and more peaceful.

And all of your relationships are respectful and harmonious.

It is possible for you…

I was lovingly guided on a compassionate journey of healing 

"In our sessions, Rebecca sees through my eyes, she allows me to feel completely heard & felt. 

There's no judgement, even when she calls me on my stuff, it feels welcome. She becomes pure energy.

She's not in a role of coach/mentor 'doing a process', she journeys with me, as my guide, my helper, my angel, my higher self, she becomes all of these to me".  Louise 

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Book a FREE 30 Minute call for us to have a chat about what you need

This is for you if: 

This is for you if: 

 You want to resolve relationship issues with a person you love and don't know how. 

• You have some understanding of energy (yoga, meditation), that we’re all connected and our energy has an impact on others. 

• You want to open up your heart space and connect to your divine feminine to have more loving relationships with everyone in your life.
• You want to know how to set healthy boundaries and stop people taking advantage of your generosity. 

• You want to feel happier more of the time and let go of feelings of stress or low moods that have been taking over your life.   

Hello my name's Rebecca Bishop 

And I can honestly say that my life is pretty much drama free and most of the time I have good relationships with everyone. 

However this wasn’t always the case.

In my 30s, resentful of having to do life on my own, feeling like a failure in my romantic relationships, and yearning to have children.... self-esteem was on the floor.  


Not realising I was taking this unhappiness out on others I’d often have some sort of drama going on upsetting or falling out with someone, often wondering what I’d done wrong. It was never my fault as I constantly blamed others. 

It was only when my boss told me there’d been a complaint about my attitude that the penny dropped.

Shocked, and angry, I wanted to run away.

Then I reflected and realised something had to change....

….and that something was ME. 

Shortly afterwards, discovering NLP, I became aware of how I’d been contributing to the drama.

And using the same tools I’ll use in my 1:1 sessions with you, I transformed all of the relationships in my life.

And opened my heart up to love once more. 

Now happily married, and feeling more love and harmony than ever with everyone in my life it was the best thing I ever did. 

And it's possible for you too...

Here's what some of my past clients are saying

"I healed my relationships with both of my parents"  

As humans, especially us women,  we spend our lives making assumptions. 

I badly need some help with deeply seated generational patterns passed down from my mother and father that made receiving love difficult. 

Rebecca uses NLP and EAM techniques that brought these issues to light and enabled me to transform what had been a huge block for me. As a family, we will all benefit from having released this negative energy. 

Thank you so much, Rebecca

Brigitte Hackney
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"A deeply healing & uplifting experience, which changed how I view myself, my family & friends, forever"

As I worked on some of my inner child ‘stuff’, Rebecca was kind, sensitive and warm and guided me to get to the root of where my ‘stuff’ was coming from and held the space for me to release it. 

 She was calm and supportive, which enabled me to release with more ease and I felt safe to let go of some very old family patterns which had been holding me back.

 Rebecca surprised me with her intuitive insights, her ability to see what I needed to work on and which questions to ask me to get me to explore certain areas more deeply than others. To work with Rebecca is very empowering, and has forever changed how I view myself in my family and with friends.

 All in all, this was a deeply healing and uplifting experience. 

Gabby Briscoe
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"I'm growing in confidence & energy. I'm truer to myself as I am reclaming my power as a women" 

 Reframing my thought processes helped me to see things differently and to move forward in the way I felt about my past.
 This resulted in the start of a healing process that had been a long time coming and has really helped me move forward.

 I healed my relationship with my mother and have started to be much truer to myself, reclaim my power as a woman and am growing in confidence and energy as a result. 

 I couldn’t have done this without Rebecca’s help - she’s an extraordinary person who tells it like it is, helps guide you to a better place, finding a more balanced way to engage with life and build confidence and peace within. 

Ruth Drury
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This is life-changing!

"Rebecca has an incredible way of getting you face to face with your flaws but she approaches in a caring, loving and heart felt way
She has wisdom, she gets it, she sees it and she helps you move past it. This is life-changing stuff",  Janie 

werful magnet to attract divine love. 

What we'll do:

What we'll do:

During our sessions together you’ll be held in a safe space of unconditional love.

As this is not a talking therapy we’ll be carrying out the energy and mindset change work as soon as I know what your relationship challenges are.

We’ll be mainly using the Energy Alignment Method (EAM) or Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) which are both powerful transformation tools which will help clear energy and gain a new perspective.  

As we work with your energy, subconscious and intuition the session will flow where the energy takes us in a very compassionate and loving way.

However, please know I will lovingly call you out on anything I observe, for example, blaming, being a victim, resistance and sabotaging patterns of behaviour so that you can let go of them and make a different choice that will bring you happiness instead. 

The steps flowed gracefully, so much was released

"My session with Rebecca was amazing. So much was released. Her approach was loving, kind, gentle and compassionate. Her steps flowed gracefully while the healing and discovery took place. I am so grateful". Shirley 
werful magnet to attract divine love. 

Book a FREE 30 Minute call for us to have a chat about what you need
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I've had several councellers, now I know I've been looking for this

"I've had several councellers over the years and you are truly great.
I've been looking for you". Julie

werful magnet to attract divine love. 

Select your option of how you’d like to work with me: 
Select your option of how you’d like to work with me: 

A powerful journey over 5 months*:
6 sessions plus email support in between so you’re lovingly held on your journey

6 x 1 hour sessions £300*
6  x 90 minutes sessions 
A saving of £30

A deeper dive journey over 3 months*:
4 sessions plus email support in between so you’re lovingly held on your journey

4 x 1 hour sessions £208*
4 x 90 minute sessions 
A saving of £12

Individual sessions
1 hour - £55
90 minutes - £75

Your first session is at the reduced price**
1 hour - £50 (plus a free 30 minute consultation)

* In order to take advantage of the discounted prices full payment is required upfront when booking a longer journey.

** With no obligation to have further sessions
T&C's Apply 
​​A powerful journey over 5 months*:
6 sessions plus email support in between so you’re lovingly held on your journey
6 x 1 hour sessions £300*
6 x 90 minutes sessions £420*
A saving of £30
A deeper dive journey over 3 months*:

4 sessions plus email support in between so you’re lovingly held on your journey 

4 x 1 hour sessions £208*
4 x 90 minute sessions £288*
A saving of £12

Individual sessions
1 hour - £55
90 minutes - £75

Your first session is at the reduced price**
1 hour - £50 (plus a free 30 minute consultation)

* In order to take advantage of the discounted prices full payment is required upfront when booking a longer journey.
** With no obligation to have further sessions
T&C's Apply 

My heart is warm and full of love. Literally life changing! 

"I felt so amazing, so full of energy. Thanks for such an awesome session.
My heart is very warm and full of love, I am so grateful to be working with you.
​I can feel a shift and it is literally life-changing" , Louise 

werful magnet to attract divine love. 

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Book a FREE 30 Minute call for us to have a chat about what you need

If you have any questions please get in touch.
Much love
Heart Energy & Love Coach

I've learned so much about myself. I've had some huge ah ha moments! 

"I've learned so much about myself and how my parents relationship and patterns has shaped the way I've been showing up,
 I've had some huge ah ha moments along the way " ,  Ruth

werful magnet to attract divine love. 

I'm here to help you make the best decision for yourself on your journey. ​Here are some of the questions I get asked.  

1. I’ve already tried something similar, how will I know this will work?

Although there are no guarantees, I haven’t had a client yet who hasn’t had a transformation in our sessions together. This is because I don’t work with mindset alone. I work with your subconscious and your energy bypassing your conscious mind so we’re able to go deeper and get to the core of what’s really going on.  I work with intuition and read what’s beneath the language you use, the story of what you believe is happening so we can break down patterns that don’t serve you and transform them into empowering ones instead. Please have a read of the testimonials and if you have any questions before you make this investment in yourself then please get in touch and let’s have a chat.  

I’ve had counselling before and although it helped I am still struggling. How is this any different?

This is very different from counselling, we do less talking and more change work. Working directly with your subconscious mind, and your energy we get to the core of the issue, then using the powerful energy and NLP techniques that will break up old patterns we’ll literally create new neuron pathways in your brain meaning you think feel and behave in a new way that works for you. 

I really want to change but I’m scared it will open a pandora’s box, and I will have to revisit my painful past?

As this is not talk therapy, so it won’t be necessary for you to have to dig up and relive your past in order for the change work to take place.  I’ve worked with clients using no content at all or using a metaphor that they can disassociate with, it still works. This is the beauty of working with your subconscious mind and your energy.  Please also know that you’re never given anything by your subconscious that you can’t handle as its primary function is to keep you safe. 

4. How will I know if I’m ready to change? 

How unhappy are you? If you’ve had enough of living with the drama or being upset, stressed or feeling low by others’ negativity, then I’d suggest you are ready. If you want more peace, happiness and harmony, in your relationships then why wait any longer? The very fact you’re questioning this suggests this is resistance. It’s the same part of you that may talk you out of it saying  ‘I don’t need this’ ‘I’m ok with the way other’s treat me’ ‘I can’t change the way others behave’ or ‘I can’t afford it’ even though you can. This is your mind sabotaging because it wants you to stay the same. It’s the same part that creates the drama. However, let me as you this?  Imagine living the rest of your life in the way you’re living it now, how does this feel? What will it cost you physically, emotionally, and energetically if you stay the same? Are you going to give into this sabotage any longer, let others treat you this way or are you ready to take back control of your life?


My heart is now more loving and kind. It's pretty life changing!

"I've had so much talk therpy in the past, but it just never solved anything deeper. It's always so short-lived.
It made me feel better briefly from offloading my problems but I never changed for the better emotionally. 
I feel my heart is now more loving and kind from the brief work I have already done with Rebecca, it's pretty life changing"!  Hannah

werful magnet to attract divine love. 

Ready to let go of drama & to experience harmonious relationships with everyone?
     Click on the button below & book a Discovery call with me

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Book a FREE 30 Minute call for us to have a chat about what you need

Book a FREE 30 Minute call for us to have a chat about what you need

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Its been weeks and I'm still feeling the impact, I'm more confident and calm

"It's been weeks since our session and I'm still feeling the impacts of the practice on my life
Once a week or so I do a light check-in with myself, but nothing like the session with Rebecca.
I'm more confident and calm
",  Deb, Seattlet

Connect with me
Phone: +(0)7795 291021

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© Energy Waves 2021

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Phone: +(0)7795 291021

© Energy Waves 2021