I was recently asked if I thought the meaning of life was for us to be happy.
It’s a good question, as most of us want things to ‘make us’ happy.
A new job, a relationship, or a new car, and we want the people we love to be happy. I've often heard my mum say, ‘I don’t care what you do as long as you’re happy.
However, have you noticed that things make us happy for a while, and then we go back to old patterns of not being happy?
So how realistic is it to expect to be happy all the time?
I believe we want to be happy and want others to be happy because we don’t think we can handle the opposite.
We don’t want to face our pain and clear our past.
However, the truth is until we do this, we’ll continue to carry this around in our energy.
It'll keep coming up time and time again until we face it and release it.
At one time, I thought going on my spiritual journey, learning tools and techniques to let go of negative thoughts, learning the Law of Attraction and manifesting would make me happy.
And although I have a quieter mind and don’t stress anymore like I used to.
I’m not happy all the time.
In fact I experience all emotions now more than ever.
And it's supposed to be this way.
When you hear a baby crying, do you judge it by saying, ‘why can’t you just be happy?’
No, you understand that a baby cries because it needs something. It’s releasing energy in the only way it knows how by expressing emotion.
Feeling our emotions is a natural way for us to release old and stuck energy.
And as we do, we evolve and grow.
We become energetically lighter and more transparent.
According to the law of polarity, where everything has a polar opposite, we’re not supposed to be happy all of the time.
We experience sadness to know and appreciate happiness.
We experience fear to know and appreciate love.
Just like we have night and day, dark and light.
We’re supposed to experience it all.
However, so many of us have been taught ‘don’t cry’ or it's wrong to be angry, so we’ve learnt to suppress our emotions and have shut down.
As a result, our anger comes out as sarcasm, or we bicker with the people we love.
Or we feel flat, unable to feel great joy or deep sadness.
You’ll only feel again when you open up and let your energy flow.
Only then will you start to experience all life has to offer.
You’ll feel more energised.
You’ll feel and honour what you’re body needs.
You’ll follow the flow by resting when you need to
So you’ll be sick less often or not at all.
I’m not going to lie to you; sometimes feeling your emotions is hard.
However, you'll feel lighter as you let go of the old energy.
You’ll come out the other side a new person.
People around you will notice and will feel lighter just by being in your company.
This is how we evolve.
This is the flow of life.
So what was my answer to what I thought the meaning of life was?
To experience and evolve.
To experience joy, fun, love, grief, sadness, anger…...
To have experiences to bring up these emotions.
And to let them come and go, evolving into a new level of energy each time we do.
Here are 18 Principles to understand and follow to help you to live your life in flow:
1. Everything is energy, including us.
2. We cause our own suffering with our thoughts
3. We're not our thoughts. (As babies, we didn’t have thoughts)
4. Energy is constantly moving through us (we release it through our emotions & when we dream)
5. Emotions are energy in motion (e-motion)
6. When we stop energy from moving, we suppress it. It then comes out as passive-aggressive anger, or we feel flat or depressed.
7. When we don’t feel, we disconnect from our bodies & have too much head energy, otherwise known as stress.
8. We're supposed to evolve. Evolution comes from letting go of old energy & allowing new energy levels to move through us.
9. Nothing stays the same; energy's constantly moving & transforming, it’s our attachments & judgements that slow this process down.
10. Flow is feeling then releasing; each time we do this, we move to a higher level of energy vibration.
11. The higher the vibration, the lighter we feel. This is the journey to enlightenment.
12. Until we release the old energy, we'll attract the same people & situations to us time & time again.
13. Situations & people show us what we need to release as they trigger the same thoughts & emotions.
14. What we perceive as negative situations & people are gifts for our evolution.
15. The meaning of life is not to be happy, we are here to experience every emotion.
16. We are supposed to flow with life; only resistance (to let go of the old) and the need to control gets in our way.
17. We have less control than we think we have. Let go of attachment & trust your path is unfolding exactly as it’s supposed to.
18. You are an energetic being experiencing an energetic journey.
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Much love always
Rebecca x
p.s. if you need help with getting in touch with your emotions or releasing energy from the past then book a discovery call now by clicking the button below.
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